
  1. Landscape
  2. Sculpture
  3. Photograph
  4. Book(in progress)


©2024 Mag-Ex

Wellspring of Acts and Words

This is a thought that began with the act of printing. As soon as we became able to use letters, the symbolic world broke through the layers of voice and symbol.

The symbolic world opens up like an infinite rebirth of the symbolic world, transcending time and space. Everything we do and say now has meaning only after we have created this symbolic order, and therefore we are slaves to the symbolic order, but at the same time we are slaves to the symbolic order itself.
Therefore, we are both slaves to the symbolic order and the symbolic order itself. 
But are we truly here just to preserve this order and transmit its messages?

The stone is an individual that grows infinitely, the brush in the middle symbolizes order, and the worship of order
like stone is carved into a water pattern and becomes a similar shape. Through the spatial relationship formed between the stone and the sculpture
Through the spatial relationship formed between the stone and the sculpture, the process of the relationship between the human subject and the symbolic order, which is reconstructed through the act of printing, is
Through the spatial relationship formed between stone and sculpture, the work expresses the constitutive process of the relationship between human subjectivity and symbolic order, reconstructed through the act of printing.