
  1. Landscape
  2. Sculpture
  3. Photograph
  4. Book(in progress)


©2024 Mag-Ex

Born in Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province, China, on a small island in the East China Sea, my deep love for nature is an inherent part of who I am. The most essential aspect of my work revolves around the idea that "the soul grows out of nature, even in a physical sense."

Educational Background

  • Tokyo University of the Arts (Tokyo, Japan)
    Master 2nd year , Design,Lab.5 Place design
  • Donghua University (Shanghai, China)
    Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Art Design

Work Experience

  • July 2021 – March 2022
    VISION Urban Landscape Design Studio.(Suzhou,China)
  • July 2023 – Present
    ORYZA LANDSCAPE INC. (Tokyo,Japan)


  • Trendzone Cup  2019
  • CADA  Award 2019

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